The Book of

Just my thoughts....Everyday, All Day!!!

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Location: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Tre' Day is a 10 year radio veteran at KIPR/Little Rock with his own production company, Everyday All Day Productions...on the web at:

Tuesday, March 6

Chapter 2: Love,
Verse 7: Mixed Messages

I will be very interested to see how this political season turns out. I think I could tell you already what is going to happen, but we will wait and see. The media is already going crazy as the two leading Democratics are a woman and multi-racial man. I haven't seen an in-depth interview with Hillary Clinton yet, but this weekend I did see one with Barack Obama and if you missed won't believe this:

Long time CBS news program 60 minutes asked Obama....and I quote: "When did you decide to be black?" WOW!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!? I'm still in shock! A "professional" reporter asking a question like that!??!?! If I was in that position I would have went off, however to Obama's credit he just simply stated, "I don't believe I was the one who made that decision. People like the taxi drivers who pass me up everyday decide that."

When he is asked to describe his ethincity (which all people should be allow to state for themselves, in my opinion) he always states he is multi-racial, his father is Kenyan and his mother is a white woman from Kansas.

60 minutes goes on to say, "Besides everything else you have going against you...your middle name is Hussien and your last name rhymes with most wanted terrorist in the world."

A-B-C-DeeeeeeeGUSTING!!!!!!!! Let me stop before I get on a roll, but please leave me your comments on this because I would love to hear what you think about it.

However, while I'm on the multi-racial tip...please check out my lovely wife's website: She is currently working on a multi-racial documentary, so please check it out and feel free to get involved.

As always, thanks for reading my blog and make sure to come back soon. Until next time....

Take it to the House,

Tre' Day, Everyday, All Day, Baby, Baby!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The questions that reporter asked were way out of line and obviously came from someone who appears to be ignorant on that subject. It is very unfortunate that to so many uninformed people Barack's middle name and last name actually WILL sway their opinions. LAUGHABLE, despicable, and unfortunately true. I definitely plan on checking out your wife's website. My daughter is biracial and I'm very excited to see her working on something delving into the topic and the experience of someone biracial. I can think of an incident that occurred just this past week with my daughter and me that shows some changes need to be made. While verifying information filled out on an application for services, I noticed that the worker had noted "white" for my daughter's race. I wasn't going to comment in the beginning because of previous experiences dealing with the same issue on applications, but I decided to speak up anyway. She told me she could put "black" or "white". When telling her that I usually mark "other", she informed me that would make her "hispanic" in their records, I was frustrated once again. Considering the enormous number of biracial people, it would stand to reason for the government and other places to include a spot for biracial people as well rather than trying to make them "fit" into their neat little categories. Back to the reporter and Barack Obama,though......the reporter really just showed his/her ignorance to everyone watching the interview. Barack kept his cool and gave a wonderful answer, as usual. I just love that guy!!! Barack 2008!!

12:16 PM  

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